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Property Owners Association
64 Homestead Road Divide, CO 80814


Next Board Meeting is
May 12th, at 821 Woodrock Way at 
4:00 pm

Recent Emails to Members
Blasts Since October 29th

Fun Facts
Not exactly Woodrock, but the following comes from our neighbors to the south, Fremont County.  If you're from an urban environment and now live in Woodrock, you'll be entertained to read and heed "The Law of the West

Friendly Reminders for Residents

Spring snow has arrived! (March and April are our snowiest months)
Drive defensively (go slow, stay in your lane going around curves).  Potholes are inevitable in spring but come Summer, they'll be replaced by washboard.  It's always something.

Upcoming activities
Mitigating your land is the best insurance you can give yourself. Now is a good time to start on building your slash piles alongside the road.  Woodrock is in the que at the Divide Fire Department for chipping and shredding.  We'll be given a date when known.  Please consider cutting limbs that overhang the road as well.  The fire trucks will not enter a road that is burning overhead.

Prepare yourself for Mud Season
There is no getting around it, you can't take the "slippery" out of mud.  Steep grades, blind corners and surprises are all out to get you.  Stay vigilant.  Mud can be worse than ice and packed snow where spreading gravel can add traction, but there's no taking "slippery" out of mud.

Thank you

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